Name: Craig
Web Site: http://www.yourvideomarketingpro.com
Bio: Craig Andrews is a partner at GRANDETEX LIMITED. GRANDETEX LIMITED is a leading Video Marketing Producer and Online Content Management provider. GRANDETEX LIMITED creates and manages your content to help grow your business. From creating videos to managing your YouTube channel, making posts on social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and creating web content for your blog … we do it all. If you want to grow your business… GRANDETEX LIMITED can help.
Posts by ckandrews:
How Corporate Videos Help Your Business With Workers and Customers
July 10th, 2013Corporate videos can have a loose definition and can be used for the purposes of everything from advertising to highlighting a service or a specific product or recent corporate action. These many services can lead one to ask, “what is a corporate video exactly?” The real question, which answers that ‘what is’ question as well, is whether corporate videos truly benefit businesses with customers, partners, investors and even employees. The answer is yes, especially if you decide to have that corporate video done by content marketing professionals with the experience and technical tools to benefit you and your business.
Customers are the most important part of any business. These are the people that need to feel a business has their best interest in mind. In today’s social media world where time is more valuable than ever, videos are usually the only tool through which many people, especially young people, choose to take in certain information.
Of course advertising is geared towards customers, but there can also be corporate videos that highlight the behind the scenes environment of a business. This kind of openness is especially valued by young customers in today’s world where everything is looked at with uncertainty.
Corporate videos can also be used to highlight charity work of a business or the importance of the lowest to mid-level employees. All of these add the human element to a business which is perfect for a potential customer to take in through a professionally done video.
A professionally done video makes your business look professional which is why it is important to have the right people behind the scenes; the people that know what positives to integrate into a sales pitch and exactly how to do it to make it look just right for the average viewer.
These videos, when done well, are a perfect compliment to any sales pitch to investors.
As many businesses can attest to, corporate videos can be good inside of a business as well. They can be perfect ways to motivate old employees or inform new employees. They can also be good to highlight what your business is doing right and wrong and how your employees can help.
Videos can sometimes be the best way to bring this information across because it is a platform which many social media minded people today are used to.
Corporate videos do have a loose definition and they can provide many services, but that is because they are as useful and beneficial as you let them be. With the right people behind you, you can use the platform of corporate videos to present your business in the right way to the right people.
If you are interested in presenting your business in just the right way then contact us today.
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How to use Video in Marketing Techniques to Boost Travel Bookings
July 5th, 2013To be wildly successful in the tourism industry, or any industry as a matter of fact, you have to be skilled at selling intangibles as well as tangibles. As a matter of fact, with so many industry players involved, it’s often the intangibles that matter the most. That’s precisely why hiring video marketing experts like GRANDETEX LIMITED can be advantageous.
Because we are a full service video marketing business, we can help you create an in-depth video and content marketing strategy designed to encapsulate the sounds, sights and emotions behind every tour. For example, let’s pretend that you want to use videos to market a series of educational tours to different target markets. Our video marketing consultants will start by creating a customized strategy for each segment. Depending on what you hope to accomplish, the strategy may include a social media strategy, content management, a media buy schedule, asset management and mobile app development.
From there, we’ll move into the concept and production phases. The concept and production phases may include such services as field production, studio production, talent procurement, video editing and copy writing. Afterward, we’ll turn our attention towards distribution.
Our youtube video advertising distribution channels have great depth and breadth. For starters, we can help get your promotional tour videos into the hands of destination marketing agencies, online travel magazine editors, television stations, scholastic organizations and visitor kiosk companies. We can help you blend the travel videos into your social media marketing strategy as well.
In addition to those distribution channels, we offer webcasting services. They could be used to promote your tour packages a well. For example, we could help you arrange to have live streaming video content from one of your tour package locations incorporated into your trade show display. You could also broadcast live images of people enjoying your travel packages onto your company’s website.
Would you like to learn more about how a video content marketing agency can help promote your travel company’s offerings? Contact us toll-free at 1.800.337.4792 or visit www.yourvideomarketingpro.com
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How to make Interesting Training Videos
June 30th, 2013When hiring a group of new employees, the few designated hours of training are crucial for their understanding of the job. Training videos are an economical to train employees, though they are only effective if they are compelling enough to gain and maintain the audience’s attention. To make training videos that are actually informative and entertaining, follow these tips:
Stay Modern
This should be a goal every step of the way. If you’re training video is ten years old, it’s probably time for a new one. Similarly, if the video uses a VHS or Walkman as an example, it is much less likely to gain the interest of the audience. If you plan on making a new video, be sure to use modern technology and have modern references within. It is always good to give employees the impression that your company is up to date and invests its money in its employees.
Get Straight to the Point
New employees want to learn what problems they are going to face and how they should handle them. Now is not a good time to display your sense of humor, it will only distract the audience away from the information. Explain the job in simple terms and relate it in a way that they can understand it. If possible, use real footage of your company and current employees, so the new employees will have an idea of how the company runs. One on one interviews are useful and will engage the audience.
Edit, Edit, Edit
A training video loses credibility if there are clear flaws or obvious mistakes. The video should run smoothly to keep the audience’s attention, but not too fast that there is too much information to process. Sound effects and background music can be useful to signal which information is truly important, but be careful not to add music that distracts from the video or gives the video an unprofessional feel. If the film is being narrated, make sure the track is in sync with the rest of the video, and that the voice is lively, not monotonous.
If you’re training video is currently outdated, or you are seeking professional advice, contact GRANDETEX LIMITED. With a professional and experienced staff, they can help make your training video informative and entertaining.
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Video Marketing Can Reach Your Customers
June 27th, 2013Many of us today recognize that the world has changed. Technology has certainly changed the way we watch television and movies. We use DVRs to record tv programs, and we watch movies and streaming video on tablet computers and smartphones. With these terrific options, who is watching old-fashioned tv commercials anymore?
Today’s average internet user watches videos and according to Harvard Business Review (“How to Profit from Lean Advertising”, June 2013), 12% of video clips viewed by them were advertisements. This is one reason that Video marketing is so important now.
Further, while the cost of content creation for a traditional television ad starts at $100,000, video marketing may cost just a fraction of that for both content creation and distribution.
Many internet users will stay attentive to a video marketing campaign while they disengage from more traditional advertising. After all, tv commercials are a great time to grab a snack during the tv show. But, content that is chosen by the consumer and downloaded or streamed to his/her computer, tablet, or smartphone will maintain a higher level of attention. In fact, when the user chooses the video, 48% will later visit the company’s website, 22% will make a purchase, and 11% will share the video with a friend.
While do-it-yourself video marketing is tempting, less than 3% of You Tube videos go viral. We can help you develop high quality, impactful videos that will reach your customers. Contact us to learn more about video marketing today.
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Effectively Communicate: Enlist a Premier Digital Marketing Company
June 21st, 2013Did you know that June is officially “Effective Communications Month” in the US? It’s true. So we thought it would be a good time to offer a few tips to help you assess the effectiveness of your business communications.
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How to Make Interesting Training Videos
June 15th, 2013When hiring a group of new employees, the few designated hours of training are crucial for their understanding of the job. Training videos are an economical to train employees, though they are only effective if they are compelling enough to gain and maintain the audience’s attention. To make training videos that are actually informative and entertaining, follow these tips:
Stay Modern
This should be a goal every step of the way. If you’re training video is ten years old, it’s probably time for a new one. Similarly, if the video uses a VHS or Walkman as an example, it is much less likely to gain the interest of the audience. If you plan on making a new video, be sure to use modern technology and have modern references within. It is always good to give employees the impression that your company is up to date and invests its money in its employees.
Get Straight to the Point
New employees want to learn what problems they are going to face and how they should handle them. Now is not a good time to display your sense of humor, it will only distract the audience away from the information. Explain the job in simple terms and relate it in a way that they can understand it. If possible, use real footage of your company and current employees, so the new employees will have an idea of how the company runs. One on one interviews are useful and will engage the audience.
Edit, Edit, Edit
A training video loses credibility if there are clear flaws or obvious mistakes. The video should run smoothly to keep the audience’s attention, but not too fast that there is too much information to process. Sound effects and background music can be useful to signal which information is truly important, but be careful not to add music that distracts from the video or gives the video an unprofessional feel. If the film is being narrated, make sure the track is in sync with the rest of the video, and that the voice is lively, not monotonous.
If you’re training video is currently outdated, or you are seeking professional advice, contact Beholder Productions. With a professional and experienced staff, they can help make your training video informative and entertaining.
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Animation: Ancient concept with high tech apps
June 15th, 2013The first evidence of animation can be traced back to the Paleolithic era. Cave drawings from that era depict animals with several legs, suggesting the artist’s attempt to show motion. Leonardo da Vinci created seven consecutive drawings (c.1510) showing detailed images of the upper body with a less defined face. The set shows several angles of the figure as it rotates and the arm extends.
Movie projectors have roots reaching back as far as c.1650 to a device called a Magic Lantern who’s inventor is credited to be either Christiaan Huygens or Athanasius Kircher. Many other lesser known animation devices were conceived until the well known flip book was first patented in 1868 by John Barnes Linett.
The most widely recognized name in animation is Walt Disney, the man credited with starting the Golden Age of Animation. His first projects began in 1923 with his first notable breakthrough, “Steamboat Willie” which was the first released Mickey Mouse film, coming in 1928.
Since then animation has flourished and expanded. Branching out into television, dominating video games and computer programs, delving into advertising, and becoming an eye catching venue that reaches world wide. Here at Beholder Productions we strive to keep the visions of our predecessors alive by continually making the impossible possible. Making the fantastic seem more alive than ever with state of the art equipment and highly trained professionals working together to make your dream a reality.
We begin every one of our animations by learning your project, your goals and the end results you’re looking for. Contact us and take a tour through our production process. We think you’ll be amazed.
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June 14th, 2013This is a text widget. Put your own widget by going to appeareance widget area. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metusThis is a text widget. Put your own widget by going to appeareance widget area. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metusThis is a text widget. Put your own widget by going to appeareance widget area. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing.
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